An Experience of Yourself

By Eleazar, 2004

Creation is the place which God can dwell.
And what should we be doing?   
Choose who you will be.
But that is what you’ve been doing all along, 
Even by letting others tell you what to do,
So that you might experience what that means too.
Life eternal cannot die,
But, it can be believed it can,
So that it can be experienced in greater abundance.
As carnal beings, we struggle to obtain what we already have,
That we might experience what we already are.
In an infinite universe, all dreams come true.
Even nightmares, it seems.
Illusions, believed to be reality.
Because we have made it so.
Believing the dream we have created.
Now is the time
To dream a new dream
Of yourself.
Dream a big dream.
One that is the greatest one
That you can imagine,
And experience if it comes true,
Or not.
Whatever it is
You will have chosen it.
So that you will know by experience
Who you truly are.
And who are you?
Whatever you decide.
And yet, your decision only changes appearance,
Because you don’t really change who you are,
Except you discover yourself anew,
By each new experience
Of what you have created.
Ye are the temple,
The world of creation,
The bride,
The woman.
Yet in you dwells the infinite,
You and not you.
You are both the Creator and the created,
The Observer and the observed,
The Father and the son,
The Bridegroom and the bride.
That is, unless you choose not to believe it
Because that is what you’ve been doing all along.
Not believing in yourself,
So that you might know by your experience,
Who you are.
Eternal life
Is going on right now,
In every choice you make,
In each recreation of yourself.
Here is a mystery you haven’t yet imagined.
This poem, these narratives, this book,
Was written by you
As a message to yourself
That you might experience it now.
