Shared discussion on secrecy and the endowment

(name withheld) wrote:

> Great essay, R.  Thanks for telling us about it.
> I notice that you mention temple stuff in your writings that typically one
> would not speak of outside of the temple.  What is your explanation for why
> you feel okay in doing this?  Obviously you have one or you would not do it.
> I would be curious to hear it.
> I'm glad I read your piece.  I did not find anything with which I disagree.
> Thanks for sharing the insights you have gained.
> (name withheld)

Thanks (XXXXXXX).  Hopefully it is clear in my essays about secrecy and
the endowment.  There is really nothing secret in it, but that which we
keep from ourselves.  The endowment is a test, just as are most things
given to us.  We can react to it in a variety of ways.  Carnal man will
take things literally and thereby keep all of it secret (from everyone
but themselves), and in doing so will create a secret combination.
Others will see the secrecy in terms of the individual and that literal
secrecy is the same as putting a candle under a bushel.  What is taught
in the endowment that is not taught in the scriptures?  Nothing.  We are
supposed to notice this.  Again, there is only secrecy because we fail
the test of secrecy (and make it into combination), hide our candles
(glory) under a bushel, and descend into tribalism.

As you know, there are oaths to "not reveal (the tokens), their names
and signs to the world" (under penalty of death).  Of course, this
applies to the first three tokens, which are ones of half-fellowship
(half-handshakes) with God (also per the names), which tokens carnal man
interprets wrongly (per the contradictory signs).  What man is not to
reveal is his hypocrisy, vanity, and fallen nature, which carnal man
cannot help revealing by his words and actions, and thereby suffers
(remains in spiritual) death.

I think there is a paragraph in the name of the second token on secrecy
and the endowment, but it does not discuss it fully.

Anyway, on a parallel subject, notice the second sentence of the second
paragraph in the Sash essay.  Here it is (so you won't have to look it

"One has supposedly come to the temple as a humble individual who has
willingly cast off his worldly clothing (understandings) and is now
ready to be clothed with new understandings by God."

See?  It is all about the temple, which temple ye are (the body, not the
building).  The building we call the temple is symbolic of the true
temple (the body) and what we should be doing in that (true) temple
(right now).  When we willingly cast off our preconceived notions
(symbolized in the endowment by our "street clothing"), then we can be
(symbolically) clothed with new understandings by God (represented by
the robes, etc).   "Coming to the temple" is turning within.  It all has
very little to do with the building at all.  No, one does not have to be
LDS, nor attend the LDS endowment ceremony to get endowed.  Thinking so
is the tribal and carnal mind asserting itself and making a clique and a
(secret) combination.  Lucifer reigns over the LDS church.  But, behind
Lucifer stands an all-wise God who teaches deep things through Lucifer
(but, unbeknown by him).

At any rate, the endowment only points out what is already taught openly
(eg. through the scripts) to a fallen and carnal people who are
unwilling to see the obvious.  It has little to do with the building,
the church, etc., and has everything to do with the person (individual)
and the Christ.  The secrecy has to be comprehended in these terms, not
the former (street) terms put forth by mainstream (street) LDS dogma.

Well, I hope that is clear.  I am told to write a few other essays too,
one on the Kirtland endowment and how that one was the higher one that
was replaced by the current one (Nauvoo), which is lower.  It is all
written in the symbolism of the temples, etc.  As you know, the Nauvoo
temple was burned, then destroyed by a tornado, symbolizing that the
Nauvoo temple became polluted, therefore had to be destroyed.  God will
destroy the polluted temple.  The Nauvoo temple had the endowment done
in the attic floor, which symbolism was wrong, so it had to be
destroyed, making the symbolism right.  The SL temple was then built for
(a fallen people) with the symbolism in the proper order (ie. the
assembly room over the top of the celestial room).

The story of the saints in the 1830's was a replay of the story of Adam
in the garden as well as the Israelites leaving Egypt, etc. Notice that
Joseph started out with the vision of Jesus (Christ) and the personal
answering of questions from him (Christ).  Where was the improvement
that was to be made from there?  Just like Adam.   The themes in history
are repeats of the same thing.  It is really very plain and profound
when one sees the picture, but it is not easy to come to until all of
ones (street) clothing is cast off.

Of course, I am not saying I know it all.  I understand that my writings
have a twofold purpose.  One is to teach myself (through getting answers
and writing it down).  Another reason is to help others start to wake
out of their (non-questioning) state of sleep.  In fact, I know there
are mistakes in my writings.  I am told that they are put there by a
wise God so that others will not make the mistake of following me rather
than God.  Some mistakes I know about, but am told not to change.

Interesting picture, eh?  There is only one place to find the truth.
That place is from the source (God).  Men pollute the stream as soon as
they step into it, dip their cups, and offer drink to others.  I think
that it is meant to be that way.  In the end, each person is to dip
their own cup.

Well, that is a lot of rambling.

