Sayings are little. Meaning is big. Meaning is beyond sayings and meaning does not need sayings. When we can't find meaning, then we get sayings. Sayings are for those who can't believe. -- PoTai

More Sayings of PoTai

February, 2009

News stories of birds getting in the way of airplanes is an interesting metaphor. Man can't do artificially what precedes his artificiality in the beauty of the natural world. It's like the great pyramid which stands as an artificial (man made) mountain, held in awe by those who claim to be the great builders of human culture. The reality is that the great pyramid stands in the desert where it is built on sand. That points to meaning. The pyramid is not as grand as some are prone to think. None of man's creations are like that.

True reform begins and ends on the inside rather than the outside. In order to get out of Hell, you have to stop being Hell.

In aiming for the sky and hitting the ceiling, we've missed our target. How can one miss the sky? Only by falling up short.

Life is like a mirror in which we peer that we might know ourselves. This can lead to great vanity, for the true being does not need a mirror to know himself. A mirror is a means, not an end, nor is it a means to get to an end. We've peered into it so long that we've forgotten that we are not the image in the mirror. It was only through desire that the mirror is there in the first place.

When we say that someone is self-absorbed and selfish, it means the opposite of what we speak. Such a person is not self-absorbed at all, but outward looking with their vision focused on objects that is about them. There is no inner self-searching, but rather outward object-oriented obsession. When one becomes truly self-absorbed, there comes a realization of what the outer world means. Like a dream, it disappears. What we were once obsessed with falls away.

Creation is like a mirror and so is our unconscious being. Our mind sits in this circle and appears to disconnect what's always been connected. But, there is only one and always been. Our unconscious being and creation are like two mirrors facing each other with an apparent infinity appearing in between. And that's where we carnal beings stand, in this infinity, looking both directions and taking both outlooks in, but yet not comprehending what's there in between. Look in for number one. By looking out, you will only see a reflection.

Getting revelation isn't so much in hearing a voice or having visits from angels as much as it is about listening. Listening is about comprehending what one is already seeing and hearing. In a true sense, we are continually receiving revelation, yet we aren't getting it because we fail to comprehend what it is or, more importantly, what it means.

No man is the truth, although the truth is in him. All manifestations represent the truth, but we fail to understand them; Men are prone to get symbols mixed up with what they represent.

I asked to meet the Christ and God sent a man. It took a long time for me to comprehend how this is great wisdom.

When we seek truth, we are given the forms. When we can see beyond forms, then we will have found what we seek and we will understand that we've been living in it all along without realizing it. Life will then appear in it's abundance.

We are all on the same path. There is no end to the path. The path is a journey with it's apparent endings and new beginnings that's meant to be fulfilling. Life is a process that's going on now. In truth, there is nothing to get but what you are getting now.

We live better as we begin to notice the frame of the mirror rather than infatuate with the image seen in it.  Do we know that the world being reflected in the mirror, that which we think is real, is just as fake as that which we see as an image in the mirror?  There are two worlds seen, one that we say is real and the other that we say is not real.  But in a higher understanding, both worlds are illusory.  Both worlds on each side of the glass are reflections.   

It is said that the evil man has his reward. But this is true for all men. It is not that the righteous get what the evil man has, but it is that he gets what the evil man isn't.

Religious faith is a confidence game. The popular notion of faith is a lie that's built upon a sandy foundation. The truth is that we don't know faith. We don't know what it is, where it is, or what it's about. But, we think that we know. And that's where our confidence ends up getting us. We tend to think that faith gets us somewhere, but it doesn't. Eventually, we just get to where we are. That's because going somewhere isn't what's really important, notwithstanding the world thinks it is.

When we act like the devil, our body is possessed by one.

Heaven includes Hell, but Hell is exclusive. In the LDS endowment, Lucifer proclaims to an errant servant: “You can get out of my kingdom. I want no such men in it!” And that was well spoken, just like a professional.

The ungodly are rightly told to meet together often. The godly don't need to do that. That's because the godly are already gathered.

The so-called True-Order-of-Prayer in the LDS endowment does not dial in to get God as is thought, because it merely gets the operator. In the endowment parable, Adam proclaims “Oh God, hear the words of my mouth.” This is the same order of prayer spoken of. It's called the true order, but it isn't, because it's a phony prayer of the lips rather than a true prayer of the heart. Devout LDS are rightly told that their prayers should be vocal. Why do we think that's so? Too many of us fail to see perfection in this counsel. In response to Adam's prayer, Lucifer shows up and asks “What is wanted?” That's a lie, since he already knows what's wanted. Unfortunately, Adam doesn't get it. One might better say that Adam is in a process of getting it. That's were the operator stands, in between Adam and his phone call to God. And that's why it's right. It's a symbol, a message, not received. Adam is meant to be the receiver and doesn't get it. He doesn't know what it means.

Life doesn't work. Death works. Life re-creates. Death labors under a great burden. Life rests.

Mormon religion surrounds a story of Joseph Smith being led to golden plates in a stone box. It's a powerful metaphor. The stone box symbolizes their heart. What is symbolized by the golden record can be obtained when the heart made of stone is opened. Better said, the stone will have to be transformed into living flesh so that it yields up what's symbolized by the plates. And that leads to what's not translated yet. That's what is called the sealed portion. Until what is symbolized in forms, happens, there will only be forms that are seen.

The meek shall inherit the earth, but they won't want it. The meek are those who have broken the lock that carnality has on them.  When the time comes, the meek will let the earth go.  In the process, both the earth and the meek are set free.

Our neighbors dreams will bring all of us nightmares. We've done an excellent job in sharing of that. 

Worldly religion can be grasped tightly until it is seen for what it is, illusiory.  It's not merely worldly religion that's illusory, but the world, because worldly religion is part of the world, Babylon.  There is a mystery in this that is comprehended after one sees beyond it.   In understanding the mystery, one is no longer in the grip of the world or it's illusory relgions.  There is no longer a need for faking it so well to others and to the self that there is a reliance on what religions call faith.  Understanding comes from experience, an experience of truth as it is.  This is the true faith. This does not mean that one accepts what one doesn't understand, but that one understands what one has accepted.  The purpose of sayings such as this is not to bring one to the truth, because they can't do that.  The best that sayings can do is to help break a grip the world has on us.  At worst, they can become a new set of chains for us.  We must take next step without these sayings.  These sayings should not become a new religion that holds us in a new grasp in the same way that old religions do. 

The unconscious mind is one, the ego is legion.  That's where we are.  Each person who lives by the ego is part of the legion.  When the ego dies, then we become gathered into the one.  This should not be taken to mean that a drop dissolves into the ocean and loses his individuality.  What happens is a type of magical thing because each one becomes more individual than each was before.  That is the true gospel.  That is the good news of it.
